10 März 2022 Wigmore Hall London
House Burning Down II (April 29th 1992)
String Quartet No. 4 (World Premiere)
Locked-In for guitar + violin + viola + violoncello
Ensemble Apartment House London
13 March 2022 5 pm Concert Hall Freiburg
Melencolia I (Night laid upon my eys)
based on the copperfield engraving by Albrecht Duerer
and poems by Heinrich Heine
Version for bassoon/voice + prepared piano/voice
Ensemble Aventure – Wolfgang Rüdiger + Akiko Okabe
25 + 26 März 2022 20 h Künstlerhaus œnm-Atelier, Salzburg
27 März 2022 11 h Künstlerhaus œnm-Atelier, Salzburg
Melencolia I (Night lay upon my eyes)
based on the copperfield engraving by Albrecht Duerer
and poems by Heinrich Heine
Version for oboe/voice + prepared piano/voice
Markus Sepperer + Alexander Bauer
œnm - œsterreichisches ensemble fuer neue musik

Albrecht Dürer, Melencolia, copperplate engraving 1514
März 2022 CD Release bei Edition Zeitklang
AURORA (aus: Nachtschatten)
for Saxophon Quartett + Theremin
Adumá Saxophonquartett + Grégoire Blanc

25 + 26 März 2022 21:30 h Villa Wigman / Großer Saal, Dresden
zwischenORT A FilmEssay
About the no more existing Albert-Theater
AudioVideoInstallation for violin + DanceChoreography (Release)
composition + camera + direction: Helmut Oehring
audio/video-production: Torsten Ottersberg / GOGH s.m.p.
artistic direction + choreography + dance: Katja Erfurth
violin: Florian Mayer
archiving advise: Thomas Thorausch
25 + 26 März 2022 20 h Villa Wigman / Großer Saal, Dresden
wWoman without a bank
κάθαρσις / KATHARSIS for violin + multichannel auioplay + dance choreography
Florian Mayer + Katja Erfurth
An event of Societaetstheaters
6 April 2022 20 h Osterfestival Tirol / Salzlager, Hall
LOCKED-IN Version for guitar + violin + viola + violoncello
Ensemble PHACE
26 + 27 + 29 + 30 April 2022 6 – 8 pm Marienbridge Dresden
... DA / SEIN ... 7 episodes in public space – round through Dresden town center
Brücke (aus: Stille / Tage) for dancer + vocal + violin (World Premiere)
composition: Helmut Oehring
choreography + dance: Katja Erfurth
Katja Erfurth + Julia Böhme + Florian Mayer
An event of Societaetstheater
30 April 2022 Hof Quillo Nordwestuckermark
Walzer for Septett (World Premiere)
Ensemble Quillo
9th May 2022 30th Brahms Festival 2022 Villa Brahms Luebeck
Workshop Audiovisual Choreography
Portrait Concert AugenHören
with texts from Helmut Oehring's autobiography With other eyes. From child of deaf parents to composer
and works by Ludwig van Beethoven, Johannes Brahms, Arnold Schoenberg and Helmut Oehring
Solo Vocalise for soprano + signpoetic choreography
from Vokalise eines Untröstlichen Engels for soprano, electric guitar and orchestra
AUGE for electronics and signpoetic choreography
ZUNGE for contrabass clarinet
KLEEmusik Version for bass clarinet
Der Vogel weiß Song for female voice based on a poem by Johannes Bobrowski
Melencolia I for oboe/voc + prepared piano/voc on the engraving of Albrecht Duerer and poems by Heinrich Heine
PHILIPP Version for oboe
SOLO from MEERE for bass clarinet on the song Die Meere by Johannes Brahms
LIVE (live or die) for female voice + violin + violoncello + piano on texts by Anne Sexton
Two sonnets from the opera AscheMOND for countertenor + soprano on texts by William Shakespeare
Come not near for oboe/voc + prepared piano/voc on texts by William Shakespeare
Leuchter (aus: kurz im Müll gestochert) Version for oboe + violoncello + piano
Die Stille stürzt Song from the music theater AGOTA? Die Analphabetin (Gestern/Irgendwo) for female voice
Helmut Oehring + students + lecturers from Musikhochschule Lübeck

12 May 2022 07:30 p.m. State Theater Wiesbaden
Desire – A song evening with Dagmar Manzel
The Silence falls song from the music theater AGOTA? The Analphabet (Yesterday/Somewhere)
version for voice + accordion + preproduced audioplays
stuffed emptiness for accordion
Dagmar Manzel + Felix Kroll + Frank Schulte + Arnulf Ballhorn + Ralf Templin + Daniela Braun
2 June 2022 8 pm Small Broadcasing Hall of the NDR Hannover
Foxfire Eins (natriumpentothal) for guitar
Ulf Mummert / Ensemble L'ART POUR L'ART
12 June 2022 Chemnitz
Portrait Talk+Concert+Reading
House Burning Down I (August 11th 1965) String Quartet No. 3 (World Premiere)
... Gestern ... for solo violin
Contact for voice + violin based on a poem by Inger Christensen
The Sea for voice + violin based on a poem by Gunnar Ekelöf
audio/video excerpts from the audiovisual stage works EURYDIKE? volume 1 + Angelus Novus I + Angelus Novus II + KUNST MUSS (zu weit gehen) oder Der Engel schwieg + AscheMOND + BEETHOVEN? The Redemptive Fault + Massaker. Hört ihr, MASSAKER! (an Racep Tayyip Erdogan) Helmut Oehring + Andreas Winkler + ensemble01
19 June 2022 3 pm John Heartfield House Waldsieversdorf
AURORA (from: Nachtschatten)
for saxophone quartet + theremin
Adumá Saxophone Quartet + Grégoire Blanc
An event of the Academy of The Arts Berlin and the John Heartfield friendship circle celebrating the 131th birthday of John Heartfield
6 September 2022 Marienchurch Kassel
documenta 15
For F. (in memoriam) for electric guitar + organ (World Premiere)
Francesco Palmieri

Hagen Klennert Self-Liberator Grafic 1994
9 September 2022 8 pm project space / Old Fire Station, Berlin
Liberation Tribute
8eight compositions by Helmut Oehring
as part of the 9th Week of the Arts of Communal Galeries and the exhibition
PHILIPP version for oboe
ZUNGE for oboe
gestopfte LEERE for accordion
Melencolia I version for bass oboe / voc + accordion / voc
Leuchter (aus: kurz im Müll gestochert) version for bass oboe + accordion + guitar
Come not near version for bass oboe / voc + accordion / voc
Der Vogel weiß version for bass oboe + accordion + guitar
Die Stille stürzt version for bass oboe + accordion + guitar
bass oboe + voice: Antje Thierbach
accordion + voice: Felix Kroll
Angelus Novus II Trailer
22 September 2022 Elisabeth Schneider Foundation, Freiburg
28 September 2022 Luis Angel Arango Recital Hall, Bogotá
Angelus Novus I
new version for oboe + clarinet + bassoon + violin + viola + violoncello + drums + piano + e-guitar
(world premiere)
Ensemble Aventure
24 September 2022 Galery Weise, Chemnitz
gestopfte LEERE for accordion
Susanne Stock / Comtemporary Insights Ensemble
2 Oktober 2022 12 am mumok / MQ, Museumsplatz 1, Wien
CHAMBER MUSIC & ELECTRONICS taming and framing
LOCKED-IN version for guitar + violin + viola + violoncello
Ensemble PHACE
23 October 2022 Parish Church Muencheberg
The Bird knows (With different Eyes) Concert+Reading
Melencolia I version for bass oboe/voc + accordion/voc
Prelude for bass oboe solo
AGOTA? Die Analphabetin (Gestern/Irgendwo) Songs for guitar/voc + bass oboe/voc + accordion/voc
Leuchter (aus: kurz im Müll gestochert) version for guitar + bass oboe + accordion
Der Vogel weiß Version for guitar/voc + bass oboe + accordion
Die Stille stürzt version for bass oboe + accordion + guitar
gestopfte Leere for accordion
Angelus Novus II Sonnet from the music theatre in arrangements for guitar/voc + bass oboe + accordion
Come not near Version for bass oboe/voc + accordion/voc
Alex (from: The Deaf Giant) for bass oboe + accordion + guitar
bass oboe + voice: Antje Thierbach
accordion + voice: Felix Kroll
30 October 2022 8 p.m. Villa Wigman / Großer Saal, Dresden
still . schweigen composition + poetic sign choreography
choreography + dance: Katja Erfurth
as part of SOLO2

Hagen Klennert
Magere Hein in het gezelschap van twee Tinsel Stallions (Gevatter Tod in Begleitung zweier Lamettahengste)
GrafikFotoCollage 2022
4 November 2022 Klangwerkstatt Berlin
22 November 2022 Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival
25 November 2022 Arsenal de Metz
[iɱˈfɛrno] (from: MAPPA)
Contrapasso I – V (to: Wladimir Putin / Sergej Lawrow)
based on Dante Alighieri / Sandro Botticelli
for bass flute + bass clarinet + violoncello + electric guitar + audioplay + SignMimoChoreography
(world premiere)
idea + composition + choreography: Helmut Oehring
audioplay-production: GOGH s.m.p.
collective lovemusic Strasbourg
bassflute: Emiliano Gavito
bassclarinet: Adam Starkie
violoncello: Lola Malique
e-guitar: Christian Lozano Sedano
commissioned by Klangwerkstatt – festival for new music Berlin and LVMSC lovemusic Strasbourg
5 November 2022 Villa Aurora, Los Angeles
Tuesdays @ Monk Space presents
Eclectic Salon: The music of Helmut Oehring
Melencolia I for trumpet/voc + prepared piano/voc
PHILIPP version for contrabassclarinet
Sexton A version for violoncello
Leuchter (aus: kurz im Müll gestochert) version for bassclarinet + violoncello + piano
Die Stille stürzt Song for soprano from the musictheater AGOTA? Die Analphabetin (Gestern/Irgendwo)
LIVE (aus: Androgyn) 18 songs for soprano + violin + violoncello + piano/keyboard
Come not near version for bassclarinet/voc + prepared piano/voc
voice: Stacey Fraser
contra/bassklarinette: Brian Walsh
trumpet: Dan Flores
violin: Adrienne Pope
violoncello: Mia Barcia-Colombo
piano: Nic Gerpe
curator: Aron Kallay / Brightwork newmusic
excerpts from [iɱˈfɛrno] (aus: MAPPA) collective lovemusic 25 November 2022 Arsenal de Metz
22 November 2022 Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival
25 November 2022 Arsenal de Metz
[iɱˈfɛrno] (from: MAPPA)
Contrapasso I – V (an: Wladimir Putin / Sergej Lawrow )
on Dante Alighieri / Sandro Botticelli
for bass flute + bass clarinet + violoncello + e-guitar + audioplay + SignMimoChoreography
idea + composition + choreography: Helmut Oehring
audioplay-production: GOGH s.m.p.
collective lovemusic Strasbourg
bass flute: Emiliano Gavito
bass clarinet: Adama Starkie
violoncello: Lola Malique
e-guitar: Christian Lozano Sedano
commissioned by Klangewerkstatt – Festival for new music Berlin and LVMSC lovemusic
zwischenORT A FilmEssay
4 December 2022 3 pm dance museum Cologne
zwischenORT A FilmEssay
About the no more existing Albert-Theatre
composition + camera + film direction: Helmut Oehring
audio/video production: Torsten Ottersberg / GOGH s.m.p
artistic direction + choreography + dance: Katja Erfurth
violin: Florian Mayer
archiving advise: Thomas Thorausch